Friday, August 29, 2014

Unit 3 (Leaf) of MFW Kindergarten

Ll for Leaf

I found this AWESOME free printable on TPT to go along with our leaf unit. TPT is probably my most favorite website ever (and no I do not work for them and no I do not get anything from saying that). I laminated the leaves with the numbers on them and we used them to practice counting out the right number.

Little E enjoyed sorting the leaves by size. (Sorry, I do not remember where I got this printable. I made it a few years ago when I was teaching Kindergarten in the classroom).

Little E made sure to point out that pink, blue and black are not real colors of leaves but she was just making a pattern.
She's doing great with her Explode the Code primer books.

The "little" girls enjoyed their science lab class with our home-school group.
 This experiment shows how the clouds hold water and when they get too full the rain comes down. It is super easy to do! Simply fill up a clear cup with water and put shaving cream on top. Add some food coloring until you see the color come through the shaving cream and down into the water.
They learned about different types of clouds and made their own cloud observers.
 This experiment was supposed to show "lightning" by rubbing the balloon on your head and then touching it with a metal object, but it didn't work. The balloons were still fun.

 This experiment showed tornadoes. Little Monopoly houses make quite the touch!

 These are the books we read for our leaf unit.

We had a lot of fun this week. Little E is progressing so nicely with My Father's World Kindergarten. It is so gentle and fun. So far it's a perfect fit for us. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I just noticed how much you've accomplished w/ both MFW & also Abeka.. when time permits.. you should so share how you've used those curricula.. on YT..
